Interfaith Works serves Montgomery County families and children living in poverty.
Moya Design Partners is a proud sponsor ofInterfaith Works’ 2020 Caring Breakfast. Since 1972, Interfaith Works (IW) has been serving Montgomery County individuals and families in need. Each year, the Interfaith Works Caring Breakfast has served as an annual gathering of people and businesses committed to helping our most vulnerable neighbors. The event attracts more than 400 leaders from the business, political, governmental and non-profit communities, who gather to celebrate the partnerships that uplift our communities. Interfaith Works serves over 16,000 people annually with tools and skills that help alleviate poverty and homelessness.
During the COVID-19 public health crisis, Interfaith Works is providing Montgomery County residents with life-saving services. The increased costs associated with this work include space requirements, the necessity of purchasing food that would have normally been donated by volunteers, staffing, and much-needed cleaning and sanitizing supplies. Although the in-person 2020 annual Caring Breakfast has been postponed, MOYA is proud to support this effort happening now for our neighbors in Maryland.
“On the days when the darkness was greater than the light;
On the days when it seemed like all hope was lost;
On the days when I found myself wrestling with the most simple things in life;
In those days I found a ray of light in people: good, caring and thoughtful people that you are.
Thank you to all the Staff of Interfaith Works that supported us (the homeless).”
—’Steve’, an Interfaith Works beneficiary, wrote this poem thanking Interfaith Works for providing the services he needed to make it through a difficult time in his life.
Instead of the previously scheduled in-person breakfast on March 26th, this year, Interfaith Works has created a Virtual Caring Breakfast. For this online event, the IW team is presentingvideos that highlight their clients’ success. Moya Design Partners is honored to support this initiative by helping the Virtual Caring Breakfast reach a much larger audience than the 400 individuals who would normally attend!
Interfaith Works needs donors and volunteers to continue providing food at their residential facilities. In addition to this most critical need for financial support, Interfaith Works is also seeking donations of hand soap, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer, gloves, face masks, bottled water, and non-perishable foods.
Interfaith Works has plans to ensure that nearly all of the organization’s services are available and operational throughout the COVID-19 crisis, including their emergency shelter for women, their day program for individuals experiencing homelessness at Progress Place, the permanent housing programs at Becky’s House and Priscilla’s House, emergency rental and utility assistance programs, their Vocational Services program, and all of the organization’s permanent supportive housing programs. In addition, Interfaith Works will virtually honor its annual awardees for Corporate, Community and Humanitarian of the Year, and will recognize the sponsors who make this work possible.