“We’re in the heartbeat of the nation, right here.” —Jim Hewes
Vision 2027 is here! The DowntownDC BID launched this year’s leg of its multiplatform Vision 2027 campaign at its 2019 Momentum Awards gala event. Moya Design Partners provided editorial, illustration, and digital platform design for Vision 2027 in a print report, the Vision 2027 landing page, and a series of seven distinctive illustrations.
Downtown 2027: Vision for the Future is a bold plan created in 2017 by the DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID). Each year, the BID identifies opportunities and challenges for downtown D.C. in a progress report that details aspirational goals and specific actions to be achieved by 2027. Topics include the strength of downtown’s economy, civil infrastructure development, and the city’s social agenda.
The 2019 Momentum Awards gala kickoff event featured entertainment by DJ Adrian Loving, who has mixed for former First Lady Michelle Obama at the National Portrait Gallery and for international audiences in South Africa, Greece and the UK. Gala attendees were invited to view the future of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library through a virtual reality site activation and helped illustrate their own ‘Visions for Downtown’ in an interactive drawing experience.
Designing D.C.’s future
Moya Design Partners was honored to create the comprehensive visual campaign for this year’s Vision 2027. We’re grateful for the opportunity to translate groundbreaking ideas and innovative visions for D.C.’s economy into visual elements that are easily readable and approachable. The Vision 2027 web landing page functions as a public gateway to the report, providing a summary infographic, a PDF link to the full report, and an overall snapshot of the BID’s annual goals and recommendations. We used a primary color scheme of red, yellow, and blue throughout the report’s collateral to align with the BID’s existing branding and to underline the fundamental importance of the its recommendations.
Cover Illustration by Moya Design Partners for the DowntownDC BID’s Vision 2027
In focus: transportation, economy, the public realm, and human services
For the MOYA team, the highlights of the campaign are the seven distinctive illustrations we created for the Vision 2027’s cover and for each of its four main topics: transportation, the economy, the public realm, and human services. The illustrations feature plenty of green space with themes of diversity and placemaking. The trees have a slight move of air, while people walk along D.C.’s streets and boulevards. The reader can envision lights turning on and off, concert lights moving up and down, people jumping onto the concert one, and cyclists passing by — all the vibrant movements of a healthy, dynamic city.
According to the DowntownDC BID, downtown’s location at the center of the region’s transit network is a tremendous asset, offering access to the broadest possible portion of the regional labor market. The central location provides access to key institutions, access to the core of the Metrorail system, strong infrastructure connections, and a walkable grid of streets inherited from previous planning.
‘Transportation’: Illustration by Moya Design Partners for the DowntownDC BID’s Vision 2027
This year, the DowntownDC BID made five major recommendations to build on downtown’s transportation assets. MOYA’s accompanying illustration highlights the diversity of D.C.’s transportation network and promotes sustainable, green, safe, and walkable streets:
Getting WMATA on track: Improving Metrorail service reliability, rebuilding the Metro’s operational and safety culture, restoring late-night service, and establishing a regional dedicated funding source
Prioritizing surface transit: Building the K Street transitway and improving coordination and infrastructure investments
Speeding up bus operation: Redesigning the District’s bus network to emphasize all-day, high-frequency service and changing fare payment systems
Rethinking streets: Reducing on-street parking and creating a more efficient schedule and system for delivery trucks and motor coaches
Reducing traffic congestion:
Expanding on strategies to incentivize behavior that results in less traffic
The DowntownDC BID promotes downtown D.C. as the largest and most diverse job center in the region. It is home to 186,000 jobs, 11,000 hotel rooms, 160 destination restaurants, 66 destination stores, 10 museums, eight performing arts venues, two cinemas and one sports arena. These destinations sit within a compact, walkable, and dense urban environment (DowntownDC BID).
‘Economy’: Illustrations by Moya Design Partners for the DowntownDC BID’s Vision 2027
This year, the DowntownDC BID made four main recommendations for growing downtown’s economy. MOYA’s accompanying illustrations show activated streetscapes by day and by night in a healthy and well-planned economic area:
Office to residential conversion: Implementing an incentive program to encourage residential redevelopment of 400,000 square feet (SF) of outdated office buildings
Supporting major redevelopment projects: Timely redevelopment of the headquarters buildings for the FBI, WMATA, and Department of Labor, the Daly Building, Federal City Shelter, and Union Station
Creating a regional shopping destination: Growing downtown destination shopping from 740,000 SF to 1.2 million SF, including developing the public realm and a marketing strategy for downtown shopping
Supporting culture and entertainment: Keeping the Capital One Arena downtown, incorporating cultural and entertainment uses into several redevelopment projects, and restoring late-night Metrorail service
Public Realm
The DowntownDC BID defines the public realm as the public right-of-way, parks, public space, open space, green space and more. The public realm and the built environment together contribute to a sense of place. Strong and positive placemaking is a competitive advantage for attracting and maintaining investment downtown.
‘Public Realm’: Illustrations by Moya Design Partners for the DowntownDC BID’s Vision 2027
This year, the DowntownDC BID made four recommendations for downtown D.C.’s public realm. MOYA’s visual design team again chose themes of day and night, showing residents, workers, and visitors engaged in pedestrian activity, outdoor entertainment, and shopping:
Transfer jurisdiction of parks: Work with congress and the D.C. government to transfer parks and reservations to the city
Renovate and activate public spaces: Program and manage parks and public spaces in partnership with the National Park Service, the BID and the D.C. government
Establish a BID-affiliated nonprofit: Establish a nonprofit to fundraise for an enhanced downtown public realm
Redesign Pennsylvania Avenue: Create a 21st-century design with federal partners to create a vibrant, active corridor attracting retail
Human Services
At the outset of Vision 2027, the BID noted that according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in 2016 there were 12,215 homeless individuals in the Washington D.C. Metro Area. According to the BID’s own 2016 count, of those, 126 were living on the streets downtown. Nearly half of individuals experiencing homelessness suffer from mental illness, substance abuse, or other chronic health/disability issues that can make finding essential services challenging.
‘Human Services’: Illustrations by Moya Design Partners for the DowntownDC BID’s Vision 2027
This year, the DowntownDC BID made four major recommendations to improve human services. MOYA’s accompanying illustrations promote diversity and dialogue in an interior setting reminiscent of the BID’s widely acclaimed, MOYA-designed, new DowntownDC Day Services Center for people experiencing homelessness:
Expand permanent supportive housing: Increase the number of permanent supportive housing units available to individuals experiencing homelessness.
Redevelop CCNV: Build partnerships to redevelop the site of the Community for Creative Non-Violence and provide better housing solutions and services for residents.
Reestablish daytime services: Work with government and nonprofit partners to implement effective social services for people experiencing homelessness.
Accelerate transfers to housing: Reduce the average timeframe to get individuals experiencing homelessness into permanent supportive housing.